Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

About Duta Business School

DBS, or Duta Bussiness School managed by PT. DUTA FUTURE INTERNATIONAL is a business of International Marketing with e-commerce system which in the form of product of Handphone pulse, Agent of Electrical Pulse and Physical, which at this time is the biggest server in Indonesia. Besides As Agent of Pulse, DBS also have Facility of SMS cheap PASS BY QUICKLY OPERATOR, and Discount Card more than 50.000 outlet spread over in all Indonesia.

Become conclusion of DBS is a Pulse Business. Where We can choose Position as :

# We can position ourself as anCONSUMER, mean after becoming member, we can conduct admission filling of pulse to our own CellPhone, with the way to deposit ( a number of money) according to desire of us ( see List), from a number of money that we deposit, it later will be sent as Balance of Pulse to refill to our CellPhone (HP).

# Or we position ourself as an AGENT for the retail of Pulse likes as in HP Counter with condition that we send a deposit for a number of money to be sent become our Balance of Pulse to sell to CONSUMER to all operators (one chip all operators).

# We Focussed to DEVELOP BUILD NETWORK, this position is much more stable because will yield income pasive, that is enough invite 2 (two) people to join under your network (for further description please read in Marketing Plan of Duta4Future link).

# Third of That Position was we can take at the same time, where us as a consumer needing pulse, later or we can also sell the pulse to requiring (as a counter pulse refill), and at the same time invite 2 (two) people (more better) to do same thing which we have conducted to join under our network. From that result was we will get BONUSES which is ... Waw !! ( read in Marketing Plan of www.duta4future.com).

In developing a network of course cannot alone. We can go through directly face to face. This way is true rather difficult, cause many people which do not understand intention of this business. To launch the way in developing this network besides above, that is by ONLINE. this is more effective, not many throwing away energies, money and time.

So here the role of our CLUBDBS to become and partner of support our system to be our business quickly expand, and the last ... all conducted by full ONLINELY ( 7 X 24 hours) via internet.

Ok, hopefully there is conclusion which can be pulled. But if there is still less clear, please ask to your uplines. Insya Allah they will assist to do for the best.

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