Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Helpfulness That Acquisition

In this business of DBS, many people complain, their upline nope care at all. They finally perforced to work by themself, at the same time confuse what which must be done. In consequence it is not strange finally a lot of fail or desist midway. That of many facts which are true happened. Do you have experienced of?

Ok, how with our team?

Do you want to know the way of us to build Business network of DBS ? So, this is the happened at You after You joint forces with our group.

All prospects You'd enter in our follow up system automatically which we make and will continue we complete. So that You no need work hard again. Your prospect will follow up automatically. Remember, 80% business came from this system.

All members/downline, we will train onlinely, to be able to run this business of dbs in internet, including science of internet marketing, slow but surely Your group even also can develop business in internet, even not only good for developing just business of DBS, but even for other online business.
Your Replica Web, we assist to promote free of charge in network of our blog. By rotation, some among members web / downline, we promote peculiarly in advertisement pay for, even with ourselves money.

That are some small of the aids we give to all members of clubdbs so to be reach success with together, besides there are still more aids that we'll give and will felt after you join with our team.

How to join Online

Steps To Join...!

If You will joint forces with our DBS group, following this step:

STEP ONE: Making Web Replica in Club Aktivasidbs

before do that, Please read all the guide bellow...
If before of all, you have already subscribe or download, You can direct step into page under then please fill in your mail and click Enter. To get replica web, you remain knob click ENLIST NOW which in page most under.

At above step of New you enlist as part of our team in aktivasidbs.com in running business of DBS onlinely. But the replica web of still we not yet activate, because is waiting the next step.

STEP TWO : Activation Membership it's mean You have to enlist is as formal member of DBS of PT. DFI ( http://duta4future.com) in our group. Even if for example you have followed DBS, hence you remain to have to join again ( adding HU mean Rights of effort RE) so that enlist in our group.

For this activation, You need to buy starter of kit at the price of Rp. 200.000,- (Rupiahs) what in it have the including :

1. Rights Agent of Pulsa DBS ( applying forever and can be endowed).
2. Accident insurance of Rp 10.000.000
3. Card Discount in more than 5000 Merchant Distinguised in Indonesia.
4. Content DBS, DBS Mobile Ad, DBS Messenger, DBS Taushiah
5. Training & Seminars Development Of itSelf
6. Education Pack ( Including e-book for the price of more than Rp.750.000)
7. Program of CRP ( Customer Refferal Program) very beneficial and effective proven.

But if your invesment bigger in business of DBS, You can also choose invesment 3 HU ( 3 rights of effort), or 7 HU ( 7 rights of effort). Big more and more amount of HU (RE) of course production potencies You'D ever greater.

- 1 of RE invesment of Rp. 200.000
- 3 of RE invesment of Rp.. 500.000
- 7 of RE invesment of Rp. 1.100.000

For that each, every RE will be added by the expense of delivery of starter of kit to You, where the amount of depended from which states of you come (will be informed furthermore).

To maximize Your Earnings, We suggest to buy to minimize 3 RE (HU).

The WAY to do ACTIVATION: Basically process activation will direct processed by TEAM of support aktivasidbs. More sure detail Guide sent to your mail sent by Clubdbs system support when You DO STEP ONE.

The Important thing is You transfer for the expense of purchasing of starterkit to team account of support, equal to invesment which You choose ( 1Hu, 3HU or 7HU).

Bank Target of Transfer
+ Bank Mandiri Acc.No. 1300009943757 named cheque Agus Setiawan M
For confirmation Call: (+62) 085320039899.

# Last confirmed that transfer via e-mail to team of support clubDbs that is ee.one.ch@gmail.com Don'T forget to accompany Your biodata, like example of hereunder:

Sponsor Name :……………
ID DBS Sponsor No.………………. ( it's important, check on e-mail of Your sponsor ID No.)
Your Name ………………
Gender ………………
e-maill ………………
CellPhone Agent ……………….
Complete Address ……………….
Birth of date………………
ID License No………………
Bank Account……………….
Name Of Account ………………
Account Number ………………
Name Of Heir ……………….
Relation of Link Heir ………………
Name of Mother ………………

The team of Support will check the truth of Your transfer. If correctness, they will immediately You membership activation, and starter of kit even also will be sent to Your home address.

The Last of replica website even also will active, so that You can start to conduct the business. The Refflica Website of you is http://www.clubdbs.com/?id=id_yourname.

About Duta Business School

DBS, or Duta Bussiness School managed by PT. DUTA FUTURE INTERNATIONAL is a business of International Marketing with e-commerce system which in the form of product of Handphone pulse, Agent of Electrical Pulse and Physical, which at this time is the biggest server in Indonesia. Besides As Agent of Pulse, DBS also have Facility of SMS cheap PASS BY QUICKLY OPERATOR, and Discount Card more than 50.000 outlet spread over in all Indonesia.

Become conclusion of DBS is a Pulse Business. Where We can choose Position as :

# We can position ourself as anCONSUMER, mean after becoming member, we can conduct admission filling of pulse to our own CellPhone, with the way to deposit ( a number of money) according to desire of us ( see List), from a number of money that we deposit, it later will be sent as Balance of Pulse to refill to our CellPhone (HP).

# Or we position ourself as an AGENT for the retail of Pulse likes as in HP Counter with condition that we send a deposit for a number of money to be sent become our Balance of Pulse to sell to CONSUMER to all operators (one chip all operators).

# We Focussed to DEVELOP BUILD NETWORK, this position is much more stable because will yield income pasive, that is enough invite 2 (two) people to join under your network (for further description please read in Marketing Plan of Duta4Future link).

# Third of That Position was we can take at the same time, where us as a consumer needing pulse, later or we can also sell the pulse to requiring (as a counter pulse refill), and at the same time invite 2 (two) people (more better) to do same thing which we have conducted to join under our network. From that result was we will get BONUSES which is ... Waw !! ( read in Marketing Plan of www.duta4future.com).

In developing a network of course cannot alone. We can go through directly face to face. This way is true rather difficult, cause many people which do not understand intention of this business. To launch the way in developing this network besides above, that is by ONLINE. this is more effective, not many throwing away energies, money and time.

So here the role of our CLUBDBS to become and partner of support our system to be our business quickly expand, and the last ... all conducted by full ONLINELY ( 7 X 24 hours) via internet.

Ok, hopefully there is conclusion which can be pulled. But if there is still less clear, please ask to your uplines. Insya Allah they will assist to do for the best.

What's The Pulse Business of Duta Business School ?

Duta Bussiness School ( DBS) is the effort personal "Franchising." With duplication system 2 feet, partner work PT. DFI/ DBS member will get going concern commission; which if executed as according to system, in time will give passively of income to you. Duta Business School ( DBS) under PT. DUTA FUTURE INTERNATIONAL, a Company of E-Commerce the peripateticness in educational of Enterpreneur and Agent of Electronic Pulse with Personal Franchising system which was very profited and company of members. DBS invite You join in Business which was this Spektakuler century and of booming in beloved fatherland of Indonesia through the Business system of AWFUL Proven, DIFFERENCE & EXTRAORDINARY.

Potency Production Of You of FREE PULSE for the price of Rp.90.000 per day & Subsidize CASH Rp.270.000 till 5 Million rupiah per day, with registration once for a lifetime and also can be endowed to offspring. More than 1.000 people per day even will continue to increase to partake to merge into this Company. (Febrian Agung B.P President Director of PT.DUTA Future International, www.duta4future.com)

DBS supported by Managemen and of IT the Professional, and also Marketing Plan the awfulness. All transactions, calculation administration and finance between partner and company work have computerized automatically. Company keep abreast of Technological era and Information provided office virtual e-commerce to facilitate activity partner launch out being based on technology of internet.

Become in business of DBS this is You do not require special office and do not require officer to conduct activity of business like a/n effort/ business in general, because DBS International Office can be accessed in internet. You earn to run this business anywhere You reside in and whenever You wish, 24 hours non-stop!

Motto : Developing spirit of Enterpreneur AWFUL

By becoming DBS member mean you have come to partner work PT. DFI. You'D get Certificate Rights of Effort ( ad for the card of EC), and activation card to access you to office virtual in internet (other facility plus). Rights of effort this is to give commission of Franchise and of Royalty (like Mc. Donald, or Kentucky Fried Chicken) to you, if you run system better and correctness.

Business of DBS will form spirit of your entrepreneurship, becoming a eager beaver and become SUCCESSFUL candidate. Except you wish to desist before success and return to erstwhile life!

Regristration Click on the banner
Support System Marketing Online
or visit our Team Leader virtual office below:
LOGIN ID : DBS754259
PASSWORD : bismillah

or contact by email : ee.one.ch@gmail.com